Poker Shark – Poker App Review
Do you have the passion of a victor, the eye of a hawk and the intuition of a genius? Are you a pro at turning luck in your favour? Do you have the willpower to contest with the world in games that join karma with instinct? Bringing to you the ultimate poker experience, Poker Shark is now Plarium’s most gigantic project and offers you a casino that you can carry around in your very hands. Offering an interaction with players all around the globe, the digital deck of cards in your cell phone help you to sign up for not just any poker games, but for the actual Hold’em tournaments held on a weekly basis.
Plarium has long defied the national boundaries that construct the world map, connecting players regardless of where they live. Poker Shark takes this global village concept one step further: the game features a live chat facility for the players to not only play but actually interact with one another socially. Up to 9 players are welcomed at a single table and with an estimated 20,000,000 players already registered, the game has generated tons of traffic and popularity.
Hands down, Poker Shark is an appealing game with flickering bright lights and attention catching tunes and soundtracks. However, just like the real poker, it is not a piece of cake, nor does Plarium intend it to be. Registration is simple enough and is self-guided after downloading the game. Once you enter into the game, however, it is a showdown. Strategize your way around other players, and grow up from being a goldfish to a shark at the most famous casino game throughout the world, virtual or not. It is no wonder that the app hit a 3.9-star rating out of 5, and a 58% glorious feedback. 10% of the users reported a positive conclusion, if somewhat cautiously. The app continues to grow and lionize its way around the PlayStore. Once you get into it, you never want to get out of it. Poker Shark gives you some intense minutes of life and energizes you to core. Plarium has done it again.