The Poker Hands iPhone app is a great companion for the novice poker player. In this poker app you will have the opportunity to find out what each hand ranks as far as effectiveness, and also see examples of every possible combination of cards. You can also see the probability of getting that same kind of hand in a real game. Not only that, you can also see rules and information on many other variations of poker that you can play with your friends. You can go from the poker beginner to the master in no time!

- A comprehensive look at every poker hand possibility that you could create
- Has a very easy to navigate user interface that includes four main navigation options: These include the Hand Rankings section, the Rules section, the Poker Glossary, and the Info section
- The Hand Rankings section will show you all of the poker hands that you could possibly get and then ranks them from the highest to the lowest. The highest is the Royal Flush and the lowest would just be the possession of the high card in the hand
- In this section you also get to see a good example of what each kind of hand would look like and you also get mathematical statistics on the probability of getting that same hand
- The Rules section allows you to go through the rules for hundreds of different card games that are available. You can learn how to play Omaha hold ’em, RAZZ, Horse, Strip Poker, Texas Hold ’em, Hi Lo games, and many many more
- The Poker Glossary is a place where you can search anything that has to do with poker. You can look at all the rules, see what different strategies are, and also learn about top players
- The info section allows you to change settings and customize the app so that it appeals to you
The Poker Hands app is one of those poker apps that would be considered a little pocket guide on how to play poker. You may not want to pull this out while you are in a real game so you don’t look like the donkey, but it would be great to pull up after a game so that you know what you can improve on and learn more about what hands are desirable. For only a buck it’s not a bad investment if you are serious about learning how to play Poker.
Voted 3 1/2 stars by iPhone poker app users and currently costs $0.99 to download.
There are a lot of different aspects to Poker. There is the player side, where you focus on how to play, strategy, bluffing, the amount of chips to put on the table, and learning how to read other players antics. There is the dealer side with proper distribution of cards and knowing the ins and out of the game. Lastly, there is the bankroll side where you need to understand how multiple bankrolls fit into poker and how to manage them. The Poker Diary iPhone app is the perfect way to keep track of all that and help enhance your poker playing experience.
With the Poker Diary you can keep track of a variety of different bankrolls and how they associate to the tournaments. Hold cash games, and multiple transaction order right from this poker app. You can also get immediate feedback on the status and statistics of either a single bankroll, or for multiple bankrolls all at the same time. There are also other customization features that allow you to edit and personalize all of your poker tournament parameters.
- You can keep track of multiple bank rolls to makes sure that all of the chips and cash are accounted for
- This app allows for you to have live multiplayer rounds as well as managed tournaments
- You can customize your tournaments and game types as much as you want in the settings tab
- You can also pick which locations you want to have each of your different games held at
- You can manage withdrawals and deposits of your online virtual transactions
- You decide tournament rules, types, the stakes, and payouts for your own poker league
- The app will do all of your reporting and tracking for the types of games played, locations played at, and also bankrolls at stake
- You can also get exports for your bankroll on the transactions that were made, the tournaments that were played, and the number of sessions that occurred
The Poker Diary app is a good poker companion to take care of the nitty gritty stuff that nobody wants to have to calculate. It is great idea to just create an app that can do it for you and still keep track of the game. If you play a lot of poker and want a good system of keeping track of statistics then you have come to the right place.
Voted 4 stars by iPhone poker app users and can currently be downloaded for $2.99.
The Poker Math 24 iPhone app is a great way to enhance your mathematics skills while still having a blast. This is one of those poker apps that really gets your brain moving and causes you to find an answer using simple equations. The basis of the game centers around four cards that are initially given to you that you have to organize and put together using math equations to equal the number 24. This may sound simple but it can actually be quite challenging.
There are three different levels of difficulty that you can participate in and each one gets quite a bit harder. Do you think you have what it takes to master all of the equations and post the highest score? If you do then you should download the app today, get on the leader boards, and set your sights on that number one rank!

- They way it works is you start out with four random poker cards. Once you have received your cards then you have to try and find some kind of math expression to get all four of the cards to equal the number 24
- This game is very similar to the game Crypto that you used to play in elementary school
- There is a system of hints that you can access in order to get answers to the really hard challenges
- There are 3 different levels of difficulty that you can try out ranging from easy to hard
- This game will help you to develop and practice your mathematics skills as well as your mental sharpness
- You get higher scores for the best times. Try and solve the puzzle as fast as you can to get the highest score
- After each challenge you can save your progress and either continue on or take a break for a little while
- Once you get a really good high score you can get online and post your scores to see how you compare to other players from across the world
The Poker Math 24 app is not really a poker game at all, but really just uses it as an avenue to help you get your math brain working. The game is still surprisingly fun as it offers quite the challenge when you have to try and decide what math equations to use in order to get the appropriate answer.
Voted 4 1/2 stars by iPhone poker app users and currently costs $0.99 to download.
The Poker Buddy iPhone app is an easy to use, fun poker tournament game. One of the nice things about it is it is an offline poker game so you never have to worry about lag or times when the server is down. This is one of those poker apps that helps you to track your progress and improvement in a poker tournament and also monitor your blind levels. You can also keep track of you re-buys, add-ons, and even your knockouts.
This game is an easy way to manage a poker game and keep track of everyone’s statistics. You can even go as far as emailing each player’s results back to them at the end of the game so that they know how they each did. This app also features an in game timer and also the ability to network multiple iPod Touches and iPhones together in order to have a great multiplayer system going on.
The fact of the matter is, you won’t find a better poker companion at this kind of a price so get your boots on, pull out your hand, and download the Poker Buddy iPhone app today!

- This poker app offers some unique features that are fully customizable including the tournament structure, the game prizes, the players, and even the blinds
- The clock display is easy to see and you can set the timer for different periods of time to help match everyone’s skill level
- The background play has been fixed in this version so that there aren’t extended periods where you are waiting
- You can get online and post tournament scores and prizes so that anybody that has the internet can check on how everybody is doing
- You can have the tournament go on in the back even if it your phone is inactive at times
- You can get a sheet of statistics and email it to all of the participating players after the games so they can see how they did
- Play over an LAN network or another type of device so you can host multiplayer games
- Have your players set up profiles that you can manage and customize for the tournaments
- If you have to leave the game unexpectedly, your progress will be saved for when you return
Overall, this is a good offline version of a poker tournament game.
Voted 3 stars by iPhone poker app users and currently can be downloaded for $4.99.
Poker is a test of wit, strategy, and out-bluffing players like the Wicked Witch of the West. Well at least that is the goal in the Poker Free iPhone app. In this game you will be able to play against some wild characters including Dorothy, Abraham Lincoln, and even the Tooth Fairy. There is never a dull moment when you are playing the Poker Free iPhone app.
This game takes the classic game of poker and spices it up with some fun AI opponents and a fun table setup. You will have the ability to look around the table and try to size up your competitors. You will love their animations and their unique personalities. As you try to master Texas Hold ’em, you can enjoy a quick history lesson as well. Each of the players personalities are reflected in their style of play so you will have to figure them each out in order to know if they are bluffing or not. Go big and throw it all in on the Poker Free app for the iPhone!
- Base off of the wildly popular game on the Mac
- One of the best parts of this app is the opponents that you can play against. There are over 25 different people from history that you can play against including Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, Abominable Snowman, Grim Reaper, Medusa, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Dracula, Genghis Khan, Neptune, Robin Hood, and even Sherlock Holmes
- There are six different areas where you can play the game including Wonderland, Atlantis, and even Transylvania
- As you sit and manage your cards you can also look around the table to see the nonverbal cues your opponents may have
- You can count cards and try to see what your odds are during any point of the game
- You can slide and drag your finger over the screen in order to place and fix your bet once it is on the table
- There is an online high score list where you can see who the global leaders are
- You can unlock new opponents with wins and imagine points
- You can participate in Play Limit, Pot Limit Texas Hold ’em, and No Limit
- It also has full connectivity with Twitter so you can tweet your results
Hey it’s free and it’s fun, what more could you ask for?
Voted 3 stars by iPhone app users and is currently free to download.
The most powerful part of this poker app is its ability to let you manage and run your own poker tournament. In the Poker Club iPhone app you will have the options and the features to host your own tournaments and keep track of all of your players and contacts.
Many times, when you try and host a poker game it can be distracting and complicated. This app allows you keep tight control over the games and even set your own custom rules if you like. The game includes other fun features such as the ability to count and cash in chips, optimize the seats, see statistics of all the members in your league, and even lets you email players their game scores for the night.
- This is a very fast paced game and comes with multiple different alarms that are controlled by a dynamic timer
- This game can be synchronized with all of your contacts so that you have all of their information ready and accessible with the touch of a button
- You can customize your poker games and tournament as much as you would like; change the rules and set different buy ins
- Has a built in calculator that will keep track of chip and cash counts to see who is raking in the most dough
- When you are in the process of launching it will preserve the state inbetween
- As you create and manage your league the app will keep track of everyone’s statistics and let you know who the tournament leaders are
- After each game you can have the app mail the game results to each of the different participants
- The game will automatically optimize all of the tables and all of the accompanying seats
- You can track all of your moves and the app will keep track on knockouts
- You can keep the default tournament settings and enjoy a professional tournament structure for all of the players involved
You are essentially joining a large poker community when you download this app. You will have access to different leagues, tournaments and exhibition matches with other players. You can add friends and update contact lists so you can continue to play with your favorite players. This is a good way to pass the time with other friends that share your passion of poker.
Voted 3 stars by iPhone app users and currently costs $19.99 to download.
Have you ever gone on a road trip through Vegas and didn’t gamble only because you didn’t feel confident in your poker skills? Well that doesn’t have to happen anymore because now you have your own virtual poker coach to show you the ropes. In the PokerCoach iPhone app you will be able to compete against computer opponents as you try to polish your skills. The game has been created with an artificial intelligence that has been configured to help you see the things you are doing wrong and helps you adapt your playing style so that you can start winning more often.
There are two basic modes to participate in, including the Basic mode and the Advanced mode. This will help you to base your strategy level by how well you do in each mode. The more you play the better you will get, and soon you won’t feel like the new guy at the poker table anymore.
- There are some very intuitive and helpful tip sections and tutorials that you can go through in order to learn the game of poker and also Texas Hold ’em
- Features an option to do an easy card input for each of the hands that you get dealt
- There are two main modes to participate in: The Basic Mode and the Advanced Mode
- The Basic Mode is for beginners and will teach you just the essentials of poker and how to play and not look stupid
- The Advanced Mode is for those that have a basic understanding but want to improve their skills to the next level
- This game will give you tips and help you adjust your playing style to mimic the playing style of a variety of different poker professional
- If you get a phone call or have some other interruption, the app will remember where you left off so you can jump right back into the game
If you are new to poker then this is a great app to help you get started. The basic mode is very easy to use and you will get the hang of it in no time. The advanced mode is also good but I wouldn’t call it “Advanced Poker”. It still is more of just an intermediate poker for the poker noob. Worth downloading if you are new to the game, probably wouldn’t waste my dollar if I already knew how to play.
Voted 3 1/2 stars by iPhone app users and can be downloaded for $0.99.
Take poker to the next level with the Poker Attack iPhone app. This is an extremely fun and addicting poker game that will have your fingers hurting when you are done with it because you won’t be able to put it down. Different than other poker games, Poker Attack puts you at a race against the clock to come up with the best hands possible in the shortest amount of time. You will have 4 different poker hands that you are customizing at the same time. You will have to fix them all up to your liking before the timer runs out.
One of the great things about this poker app is the online connectivity that is involved. Because this is a point race against the clock, it can be really fun to see what kinds of scores other poker players are getting and then try to go back and beat it. You can upload your personal scores and shoot for the top!

- This version of Poker Attack has absolutely no advertisements so you can play your game in peace
- The animations included in this app are very fluid and you will be surprised how stunning they look
- The gameplay is fast paced and full of action. You will need to have your wits about you in order to keep up with the temp of the game
- You can get online and check out online rankings both locally and globally. See who the best players are in the world and what kind of high scores they are getting
- If you get a phone call or have to exit out of the app for some reason it will automatically save your game where you left off so you can immediately return back to it and start right where you left off
- When you are checking the leaderboards you can also submit your highest scores on there as well
- The game comes with a soundtrack and also some pretty nifty sound effects
- If you would rather, you can also listen to the iTunes that are on your iPhone rather than listen to the in-game music
- This app is inexpensive and also very addicting
This app will keep you flying through the rounds trying to create the best hand possible. This poker app is a bit more action packed and fast paced than other poker apps and it helps to set it apart. For only a dollar it is a fun poker spinoff that you will probably enjoy.
Voted 4 1/2 stars by iPhone app users and currently costs $0.99 to download.
With all of the different poker apps out there, it’s nice to find one that has a little bit of originality. The Tic A Tac iPhone app uses a unique Tic Tac Toe type of board to let you try and create as many different poker hands as you can. You can go vertical, horizontal, or diagonally in order to make the best hands. You can also decide how many discards you would like to be awarded so that you can control the difficulty of the game. Keep in mind that the less discards you have, the more points you will be awarded.
As you get better at the game you can also get online and check out the online leader boards in order to see where you rank with other players. You can also post comments, make friends, upload pictures, and do much more.

- You can pick discard option of 6, 4, 2 or none at all to play the classic mode
- The less discards you have, the more points you can earn in a single game
- Learn the basics of poker, and then play to your heart’s content
- There is a simple chip system so you can keep track of how much money you make (or lose)
- Learn how to bluff, when to go all in, how to up the stakes, and so much more
- Get a full house, two of a kind, three of a kind, small straight, large straight, or even a royal flush in order to beat out your other opponents
- Very similar to all of the other poker games out there including Texas Holdem, 5 Card Poker, and many others
- Played in a tic tac toe style board where you try and make as many 3 or 5 card poker hands as possible
- Your discards can be used from anywhere on the tic tac toe board
- Try to make hands going vertically, diagonally, or horizontally
- There is also an online leaderboard so you can see where you fit in among the other Tic Tac Poker players
- You can customize your profile online, or add a variety of other photos, comments, and videos
Not a bad poker game. Does a good job of awarding more points for less discards which makes the game that much harder. The Tic Tac Toe setup is a nice feature that sets it apart from other Poker Games and makes it worth playing. Overall, not a bad iPhone app to check out.
Voted 3 stars by iPhone poker app users and is currently free to download.
Come join one of the largest online poker communities! As fans of online poker continue to increase exponentially, get in on the fun with poker at the touch of your hand. The Live Poker 6K app will help you increase your skills and win the jackpot. With over 1.5 million players daily participating at the biggest texas hold’em casino, you are sure to meet new people and if nothing else enjoy some great poker. The popular game on Facebook and MySpace is now available for your iPhone or iPod touch. Even if you only have a few minutes you can jump in and play a hand or two. If you don’t want to risk your whole nest egg just enter one of the many tournaments which requires few chips to enter but can pay out significantly. Just sign in and immediately you will be able to connect and play live with all you Facebook friends.

- Start with 6,000 free chips and receive 2,000 more chips every day that you play.
- Variety of different tables to play at so that you can bet as little or as much as you want.
- Play live poker with real people either on your 3G network or Wifi.
- Chat with people at your table to either trash talk or share your remorse for taking all their chips
- Buy gifts with your chips for other people on your table including beer, tissues, or random toys
- Join various different tournaments where you can win big
- Simple gameplay which is easy to learn for beginners
- Developed by Zynga: these developers have a great reputation and are sure to put out other great titles
Live Poker 6K is as addictive as any casino you can visit in Las Vegas. All it takes is one good win and you will be hooked. You have the thrill of being able to go “all in” and see if you can take the large pot. If you go broke you can play the cheap tables or just wait a day for your daily 2,000 chips. There will always be new competitors so the replay value is very good. Make sure you have a good connection because if it falters you could lose out on a big win. No two games will be same so there are times when you will be able to easily win thousands and times when perhaps your luck won’t be so good. Come test out your poker skills at the largest social casino on the web!
Voted 3 stars by iPhone app users and is currently free to download.